Top 10 Dating Sites in the US
Sidney Burns
Dating Consultant / Relationship Coach

Online dating is extremely popular in the US. Nowadays, it plays a major role in the love life of American people. According to statistics, over 40 million Internet users in the US visit two or more dating sites or mobile apps every month. And this number is constantly growing. Why? The answer is simple. The dating platforms are a great opportunity to get to know other people in more detail and develop a really high quality relationship.

At the same time, there are hundreds of dating sites out there so that anyone can get confused. How to choose a good dating site? Which one is right for me? What is the difference between them? We understand that it might be uneasy to do reasonable research on your own so we’ve done the hard job for you!

That’s right. We’ve rounded up and compared the top dating websites on the market to help you make the right choice. Ready to dip your toe into the dating waters? Just check out our selection of the best American dating sites at the top!

Key benefits of online dating

Quick access - once you’ve registered on a dating site, you get access to the vaster selection of potential partners in the US than you could find in your daily life. You can browse profiles of men and women and search for a particular type of person you are mostly interested in (age, height, weight, figure, religion, ethnicity, education, relationship status, income level, etc.).

Ways to make connections - digital dating platforms provide their users with numerous ways to communicate with each other. Sending a wink, kiss or thumbs-up “like”, chatting, texting, video calling - this is an incomplete list of features you can use to express your interest in another person and start a conversation.

Greater confidence - it is a fact that making the first move is easier online since the initial communication happens behind the screen. Indeed, first you chat, flirt, exchange photos or videos. And only when you feel totally comfortable, you consider meeting up one-on-one. For that reason, online dating allows you to more confidently approach people you are attracted to. 

It’s way cheaper - it’s not a secret that dating costs money. However, online dating is much cheaper than traditional one. When you only date in the real world, you go out and spend some money on restaurants, bars, cinemas and the like. But when you choose online dating, your costs are minimal. First of all, you can sign up on free websites or use free trials and short-term memberships. Second of all, you have plenty of time to get to know the people you are compatible with so that you will have less wasted dates and money.

Stronger relationships - the nice fact is that people who have met on dating sites build much stronger relationships and get married faster than those who have met offline. The reason behind it is that people have the possibility to discover like-minded individuals who have the same intentions, share the same values and want the similar things in life. Thus, online dating leads to better dating experience and happier marriage.

Who is online dating for?

It’s for everyone! Yes, no kidding. It is literally for everyone, even for those who think they actually hate online dating :) Over their 20+ years history, dating sites have evolutionized and significantly improved their services for every single group of people on Earth. No matter what your age is, where you live and what you do, you will definitely find a dating platform that meets your needs perfectly.

Young adults

Online dating is actually how the young people connect today. Dating portals became the main tool for youngsters to meet and build their first romantic relationships. Similarly to social networks, dating sites offer a wide range of features to make the dating experience more exciting and enjoyable for the youth.

Educated professionals

Professional dating sites cater specifically to busy singles who have limited free time as well as high standards in terms of relationships. Usually the members of those websites are college educated and career-oriented. All of them must pass a lengthy personality test before they can see their compatible matches.

LGBT+ singles

For many LGBT+ people, dating sites are the most common way to meet each other. Today, many dating websites offer the sexual orientation and gender identity options, thus creating a more inclusive atmosphere.

People after a breakup

The dating sites offer a large pool of individuals who have loved and lost but still want to try again. But if you’ve experienced a bad breakup or a divorce, it might be uneasy to come back to the dating scene. The most important thing here is to understand that you are ready to date again. There is actually nothing to worry about, many experts confirm that post-divorce relationships are often healthier and happier.

Senior singles

Finding a meaningful relationship in your golden years is not tough anymore. There are a lot of mature dating sites that cater to older singles in the first place. In fact, 50+ online daters usually have the higher success rate than their younger counterparts since they already know what they want and take dating much more seriously.

Online Dating Healthy Experience

Before you decide to try online dating, check out these recommendations that will make your experience safe and smooth:

  1. Stay anonymous - do not disclose your private information, avoid sharing your contact details, do not include your last name in your dating profile.

  2. Be responsible - do a web research about the person you are interested in, use Google image search, check to see if they are on social networking sites.

  3. Report suspicious users - stop communicating with anyone who behaves unacceptably and report a problem to the dating service.

  4. Beware of love declarations - if another person starts declaring their love for you immediately or within a few days or weeks, consider cutting off communication with them.

  5. Take your time - get to know the person in more detail, use chatting or texting services until you feel comfortable to meet face-to-face.

  6. Do not ever respond to money requests - keep your financial information private, stop contact immediately if anyone offers you or asks you for money.

  7. Meet and stay in public - first dates should always be done in a public place, be cautious if another person does not agree to meet in public.

Tired of reading and ready to find your love? Don’t waste your time then! Choose one or two of the dating sites at the top, register and start having fun! That’s just as simple as it is. Happy online dating!